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Team & partners
Jan Van Hove
Trainer and Consultant
Anita Silva
Trainer and Consultant
Tomáš Pešek
Trainer and Consultant
Adelka Dvorackova
Trainer and Consultant
This project was funded by the Erasmus +: Youth in Action Program, hosted by Orbis Institute and organised in collaboration with the following partners:
Portugal - Associação Check-In
Czech Republic - Prazdninova Skola Lipnice, O.S.
Poland - Fundacja Na Rzecz Rozwoju Kariery Trampolina Talentow
Belgium - Vzw Lejo
Slovenia - Socialna Akademija - Zavod Za Izobrazevanje, Raziskovanje In Kulturo
UK - The Inside Out Programme
Netherlands - Stichting Jeugdwerk Maaspoort
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